Google is used by billions of
people every day to find a variety of information on the Internet. However, how
many of us really use all the Google features to the full? It is easy to learn
little things to help you find the desirable results faster and more precisely.
Google is extremely good at
finding the information you need, but with more specific search phrases you can
get much better results. Using operators such as quotations marks - "like
that" - or enclosing search phrases or using a minus, which will,
exclude the keyword from your search, for example (bread recipe - flour).
By using 'OR', you will prompt Google to give you a choice, e.g. Football Cup
2012 or 2014.
Google gives you the choice to
restrict your search to a single site. For example, if you are looking for
Editorial Guidelines on the EzineArticles site, simply type 'editorial
From the time to time, we all
struggle with the meaning of words and need to find an exact definition. In
this case, using the operator 'define' comes in handy. Using 'Define:word'
gives you the dictionary definition of the desired word with its synonyms.
Sometimes you may want to look
for a similar site to one you already use, in this scenario the operator
'related' comes in handy. For example, '' gives you some of the
sites for rivals of the BBC or their sister sites.

Find out what others are
searching for in your country. Simply type '' in your browser
to find the latest trends in music, TV or movies.
By skipping any search criteria
and clicking on 'I'm feeling lucky' Google will take you to its selection of
doodles graphically divided with logos corresponding to important dates.
simple prompts such as 'weather', you will get the current seven-day forecast
for your location. By adding the name of any city or town you want, you can get
a forecast for a different location. If you ever need to know the time
somewhere else on the globe, just type 'time New York' for example, to see the
time at that location. For many people knowing the times of sunrise and sunset
is very important, to know when sun is coming up in London, type 'sunrise
London'. To check stock information promptly; use 'GOOG' to find out latest
Google stock more........
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