Every business idea needs to have a plan, a
feasibility study and other aspects that will keep this idea into action. In
the same way, when you want to sell or even create a product or service, you
have to organize your thoughts into action by building an online presence in
the form of a website that will let your business stand among others in the
global market. This will cost you some money as an investment for future
Once you have a website, you need to get into the
top of the search engines to be highly noticed by visitors and audience. This
process involves SEO. Every aspect of your website must be optimized to get an
edge on the competitive market. Blogging with SEO is a strong way to gain a
higher level of visibility, more website traffic and more sales and revenues in
the long run.
Blogging is a way to update your customers,
clients, visitors, subscribers and even prospects about your business, your
website's new releases, hot deals and latest trends. Your SEO blog post is an
optimized content that you post to your blog on a regular basis. This depends
on your posting schedule, target audience and other metrics involved.
Since you are keeping your clients/customers and
visitors to keep on checking for your post to keep driving traffic to your
website, you have to decide what blogging software suits your own preferences
and ideals. You can choose from WordPress, Blogger, and any other software
offering various features for your SEO blog.
1. Check your keyword competition with keyword
search tools.
2. Write the post from your working laptop or
desktop wherein you can access it immediately and easily edit it when you want
to do so.
3. Use universally proven SEO strategies for each
of your blog post.
Focus on your keywords or keyword phrase search.
Look for various trends and competitions. You can dig deeper on keyword phrases
with lower competition since an article alone can take you to the top of Google
indexing due to the popularity of the article sites.
The process is termed as article marketing. Work on
the structure of your contents with the powerful SEO strategies that generate
greater results. Your title should emphasize your keyword phrase.
However, you must avoid keyword stuffing throughout your article. Use it the first paragraph and on your conclusion or closing paragraph for that SEO-friendly article that hits the top of Google search.
However, you must avoid keyword stuffing throughout your article. Use it the first paragraph and on your conclusion or closing paragraph for that SEO-friendly article that hits the top of Google search.
Edit and re-edit. For the last publishing tips,
create text links to your website and other posts. Encourage sharing and
commenting. Choose tags carefully. Use meta tags and descriptions wisely.
Create or select categories appropriately.
Join forums to and subscribe to other related blogs
and blog rolls. Interact with other bloggers. Anticipate responses from your visitors.
Build stronger relationships. Provide solutions creatively. Always seek to help
others sincerely. This will give you more organic traffic for more sales and
higher ROI.
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