Headline has the power to grab a reader's
attention and entice them into reading more about your business and your work.
The headline is the most important element for getting your business content
No-one pays attention to
long-winded, over-blown headlines. No-one has the patience and we'll lose
interest. As a rule of thumb, never use more than 100 characters in a headline,
tell your readers exactly what you have planned for them, and make the headline
punchy, to-the-point and understandable.
Appeal to your target audience by
telling them how your article will solve their problem or fix a growing issue.
Promise them something valuable or teach them a new skill that they've not
known before. Try writing 'How to... ' or 'Get started by... ', which often
draws the reader into wanting to know more.
Play around with the word order
and be creative. Ask questions, demand answers and even employ a little
negativity. You'd be surprised at how well 'The Questions You Should Never Ask
Your Mother-in-Law' might do.
One way of including the reader
in your work is to show them that you understand their needs and that your blog writing expertise will
assist them. Writing headlines using "you" and "we" appeals
much more directly.
Example are, 'What Would You Do
if You Lost Your Job Tomorrow?' or 'How We Can All Avoid Making Huge Financial
Mistakes'. Speaking in this way to the reader is a powerful tool - it can seem
as if you've written the piece specifically for them or that you're standing in
solidarity with them.
Lists are effective because they
tell the reader exactly what to expect from your article or post and can grab
them from the start. For example, '7 Ideas That Will Change Your Life Forever'
or '3 Tips For Becoming a Brain Surgeon'.

Remember that a headline is your first point
of contact with the reader. The type of headline depends on who you're writing
for and what you plan to write about.
By keeping a headline short,
punchy, relevant and engaging, you'll get extra attention, more clicks and hopefully
lots of keen new customers.
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