Throughout this article we'll go
through the benefits of having a blog and exactly how you can get started.
Many business owners might see a
blog as an unnecessary addition to a business, it might not bring in much extra
revenue and just wouldn't be worth the time.
Expand your readership - this is probably the biggest benefit you
are going to get from a blog. Your readership is so important because it's a
signal that shows how many people are interested in what you are
offering. This will lead to an increase in sales and revenue.
Be seen as an "industry-leader" - if you post good content on
your blog then people will keep coming back to read more. The more your
readership expands you more you are seen as an "industry-leader" i.e.
a trusted source of authority within your industry.
Google loves content - that's right, Google loves fresh content -
you know, the content that you'll be posting on your blog! This means that if
you're currently doing SEO then the results are only going to get better by
having a blog.
Getting started is simple and can
take you just a few hours, maybe not even that! If you already have a fully
functioning website you could simply add a new page which will be used for your
blog, we won't go into all the technical details here.
Start off by creating some
content on a subject that you're knowledgeable about, make these articles
"pillar articles". This means they should be in-depth and
informative, the word count should be as high as you can get it! A good number
to shoot for is around 2,000 words, this might seem like a lot so make sure
that you properly follow the advice and guidance given above. It might help if
you stick to more general topics at first so there is more information that you
can cram in there.
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