How to use links the right way....

2) Your link should STAND out,
Should have different colors for (active, visited, hover)
3) Home page links should be
pragmatic, (Dealing with things sensible and realistically)
4) Don't make your readers guess
where they have to go, Have them know, that if they click that link, it will
take them to the page the link is telling them.
5) Make links go from general too
6) Use your log files to see what
your users are searching for, then use the most commonly used words for your
7) Use title tags to help your
users know where they are going.
( title = Anchor text )
( title = Anchor text )
8) Try and use a first person
approach. IE: (I want you to go_______________.)
9) Don't force a new window to
open when your user clicks a link. They know how to use their back button.
10) This is by far is the most
important lesson, TEST YOUR LINKS. Once you're finished writing your links,
test them in different browsers. Make sure they go where you want them to go
and there are no broken links. Dead links or links going to the wrong section
can cause you to lose a lot of money.
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